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Instalasi ns-3 di ubuntu 22.04

1. ubuntu 22.04
2. ns-3.36.1
Fyi: Sejak ns-3.36.1 perintah ./waf diganti menjadi ./ns3

Alat, bisa mnggunakan pc'laptop atau vmware yg sdh diinstall ubuntu 22.04.
1. PC/Laptop
2. VMware

Langkah instalasi:
1. $ cd ~ : memastikan posisi di home/user sendiri.

2. $sudo apt update  : update apt

3. $ sudo apt install g++ python3 python3-dev pkg-config sqlite3 cmake python3-setuptools git qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools gir1.2-goocanvas-2.0 python3-gi python3-gi-cairo python3-pygraphviz gir1.2-gtk-3.0 ipython3 openmpi-bin openmpi-common openmpi-doc libopenmpi-dev autoconf cvs bzr unrar gsl-bin libgsl-dev libgslcblas0 wireshark tcpdump sqlite sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev  libxml2 libxml2-dev libc6-dev libc6-dev-i386 libclang-dev llvm-dev automake python3-pip libxml2 libxml2-dev libboost-all-dev 

Download ns-allinone-3.36.1.tar.bz2
4. $ wget -c 

Extract ns-allinone-3.36.1.tar.bz2
5. $ tar jxvf ns-allinone-3.36.1.tar.bz2

$ ./ns3 configure --enable-examples --enable-tests

Then, use ns3 to build ns-3:

$ ./ns3 build

Once complete, you can run the unit tests to check your build:

$ ./

All tests should either PASS or be SKIPped. At this point, you have a working ns-3 simulator. From here, you can start to run programs (look in the examples directory). To run the first tutorial program, whose source code is located at examples/tutorial/, use ns3 to run it (by doing so, the ns-3 shared libraries are found automatically):

$ ./ns3 run first

+2s client sent 1024 bytes to port 9
At time +2.00369s server received 1024 bytes from port 49153
At time +2.00369s server sent 1024 bytes to port 49153
At time +2.00737s client received 1024 bytes from port 9

To view possible command-line options, specify the –PrintHelp argument:

$ ./ns3 run 'first --PrintHelp'

To continue reading about the conceptual model and architecture of ns-3, the tutorial chapter Conceptual Overview would be the next natural place to skip to, or you can learn more about the project and the various build options by continuing directly with the Introduction and Getting Started chapters.

7. mengintegrasikan python ke ns-3.36.1. The libraries should get built.

 $ cd ns-3.36.1/
  $./ns3 configure --enable-python-bindings

8. selesai dan sekarang di tes print "Hello Simulator"
    $ ./ns3 run hello-simulator
Hello Simulator

9. Tes file simulasi bahasa C yaitu .cc dan file simulasi bahasa pyhton .py copy file dan di folder /home/user/ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-3.36.1/example/tutorial ke folder /home/user/ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-3.36.1/scratch

9.a. cp -r /home/user/ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-3.36.1/example/tutorial /home/user/ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-3.36.1/scratch

cp -r /home/user/ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-3.36.1/example/tutorial /home/user/ns-allinone-3.36.1/ns-3.36.1/scratch

10. Tes file .cc
$ ./ns3 run scratch/first

At time +2s client sent 1024 bytes to port 9
At time +2.00369s server received 1024 bytes from port 49153
At time +2.00369s server sent 1024 bytes to port 49153
At time +2.00737s client received 1024 bytes from port 9

11. Tes file .py
     $ ./ns3 run scratch/
At time +2s client sent 1024 bytes to port 9
At time +2.00369s server received 1024 bytes from port 49153
At time +2.00369s server sent 1024 bytes to port 49153
At time +2.00737s client received 1024 bytes from port 9

jika tidak berhasil, ganti versi cppyy dari 3.0 ke cppyy 2.4.2

$python3 -m pip install --user cppyy==2.4.2
$./ns3 configure --enable-python-bindings 


Install NetAnim

NetAnim, otomatis sudah terinstall saat melakukan instalasi langkah ke 1. 

namun kalo gak bisa, coba lakukan hal ini.

1. masuk ke folder netanim

2. ketikan CLI

$make clean



Kemudian masuk ke aplikasi netanim 

arie@RV:~/Downloads/ns-allinone-3.36.1/netanim-3.108$ ./NetAnim

Arie Budiansyah


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