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Showing posts from February, 2025

Install gcc terbaru di ubuntu

 4.2. Downloading GCC To begin with, let’s utilize the wget command to download the source code as a .tar archive from the official GCC website: $ wget or you go to the gcc website to check for new version of gcc and change a .tar archive accordingly. In the above link, we used 14.2.0 as the version to download since it’s the current latest version available for GCC. After that, we use the tar command to extract the contents from the .tar archive to the current directory: $ tar -xf gcc-14.2.0.tar.gz Here, the -x option, short for –extract, extracts the contents from the archive and the -f option, short for –file, specifies the archive that contains the files to extract. After extraction, a new subdirectory with the contents from the .tar archive appears in the working directory. 4.3. Preparing for Installation Let’s navigate to the new subdirectory: $ cd gcc-14.2.0 Then, we use the ./configure comma...

dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem di UBUNTU

   Malemm gaesss... Ane dapet error ajibbb, ngeselin banget.. lagi enak-enak maen di ubuntu keluar error beginian... gak sopan bangett..  E: dpkg was interrupter, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' dst...   langsung saja... cari cari di google,.. ternyata sulit ketemu solusinya. akhirnya dapat soulsi dengan mengetik $ sudo dpkg --configure -a  jiahh kan sudah disuruh ngetik itu... napa nyari lagi di google ya???